Save the Date
VCE Examinations
29 October - 22 November
Wellbeing Week
11 - 15 November
Junior School Basketball Gala Day
Wednesday, 13 November
Middle and Senior School Swimming Carnival
Friday, 15 November
Clontarf End of Year 12 Trip
17 - 22 November
Transitioning to Transition in 2025
Thursday, 21 November
Year 7 2025 Information Evening
Thursday, 21 November
Junior School Assembly
Friday, 22 November
Year 12 Valedictory Dinner
Saturday, 23 November
Middle School Academic Awards Assembly
Wednesday, 27 November
Year 6 Asia Expo
Thursday, 28 November
Junior School Academic Awards Assembly
Friday, 29 November
ELC Graduation/End of Year Celebration
Tuesday, 3 December
Senior School Academic Awards Assembly
Wednesday, 4 December
Year 6 Graduation Assembly
Thursday, 5 December
Up Day
Friday, 6 December
Speech Night
Monday, 9 December
Junior School Christmas Concert
Wednesday, 11 December
Camp Australia @ HRS
Recently we celebrated several exciting themed weeks in our OSHC setting. Week 3 featured an Animal theme, Week 4 was dedicated to Halloween, and Week 5 focused on Art. During our Halloween week, the children created some fantastic ‘Spiders and Webs’ artwork showcasing their creativity and engagement activities.
Our Thursday After School Care cooking days have continued to grow in popularity. This upcoming Thursday, 14 November, we will be making a delicious Pineapple Cake and we encourage any interested children to join is in the kitchen. Don’t miss the opportunity to make your booking and participate in this fun activity.
We want to remind everyone about our Rocketeers school holiday program. Our final day of operation will be Friday, 20 December, and we will reopen on Monday, 6 January 2025.
Bookings for the program will be available in the following weeks.

Camp Australia