Save the Date
School Tour
Saturday, 17 August
Teacher Open Day
Saturday, 17 August
Book Week - ELC and Junior School
Monday, 19 August
Book Feast
Friday, 22 August
House Cross Country Carnival
Friday, 23 August
Family Movie Night
Friday, 23 August
ELC Father's Day Breakfast
Thursday, 29 August
Junior School Parent Teacher Interviews
Tuesday, 10 September
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - the new musical
Friday, 13 - Saturday 14 September
Middle and Senior School
Tuesday, 17 September
Whole School Zoom Interviews
Wednesday, 18 September
Thrive - Year 5 and 6
Thursday, 19 September
China Study Tour
20 - 29 September
Quiz Night - Save the date!
Friday, 18 October
Family Movie Night - Tickets on sale now!
Charlie & the Chocolate Factory - Tickets on sale now!
Book Week

Quiz Night - Save the date!

Camp Australia @ HRS
Week 3 saw us embark on our friendship themed week with ‘International Day of Friendship’. This saw our ‘friends bucket’ come together with children having an input into what traits they like to see in a friend, and what qualities are important to them when making new friends.
During Week 4 our OSHC team participated in Olympic themed activities to celebrate the Paris Olympics. The week saw plenty of engagement in purposeful-play activities, in particular, the Olympic Hands torch activity which was put together using hands that had been dipped into red or orange paint. The result represented the flame for our very own Olympic torch.
Coming up on Thursday, 22 August, we are hosting relay races, so pack your fastest sneakers, and be prepared to help your team be the fastest here at OSHC!
Camp Australia