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University Expo
Friday, 24 May
Senior School Beach Volleyball Gala Day
Friday, 24 May
Reconciliation Week
Monday, 27 May - Monday, 3 June
Reconciliation Week Fusion Meals in Mayoema
Monday, 27 May - Friday, 31 May
Year 7 and 8 Stars Excursion
Tuesday, 28 May
Year 10 Commerce Dash Excursion
Thursday, 30 May
Year 7 and 8 Clontarf Camp
Thursday, 30 - Friday, 31 May
Junior School Athletics Carnival
Friday, 31 May
Starts McDonald's Workplace Visit
Friday, 31 May
The Great Book Swap and Fundraising BBQ
Monday, 3 June
Year 8 Camp
Monday, June 3 - Friday, June 21
Middle and Senior School Assembly
Wednesday, 5 June
Year 11 Street Smart Excursion
Thursday, 6 June
Middle and Senior School Athletics Carnival
Friday, 7 June
Junior School Assembly
Friday, 7 June
Monarch's Birthday Public Holiday
Monday, 10 June
Middle School Soccer Gala Day
Wednesday, 12 June
Senior School Academic Awards Assembly
Wednesday, 12 June
Senior School Soccer Gala Day
Friday, 14 June
Year 12 Formal - A Starry Night
Friday, 14 June
Junior School Academic Awards Assembly
Friday, 14 June
Period Pain and Endometriosis Program
Wednesday, 24 July
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory the new musical
Friday, 13 - Saturday 14 September
China Study Tour
20 - 29 September

Pelvic Pain Foundation Session
At the start of Term 2, all Year 10 students attended the Period Pain and Endometriosis Program (PPEP)) which was the initial steppingstone in providing accessible, medically accurate, and age-appropriate information to all students on a condition that affects 1 in 4 assigned females at birth.
This session was aimed at fostering positive changes in managing pain and encouraging open conversations.
The PPEP Program has extended an invitation to all Haileybury Rendall School Year 10 students and their families to participate in the upcoming PPEP Next Step session. The PPEP Next Step session will delve deeper into understanding pain and exploring further steps in managing it effectively.
The PPEP Next Step Online session
Date: 24 July, 2024
Registration: Please register your attendance via the following link: PPEP Next Step Registration Link
Camp Australia @ HRS
We’re looking forward to an exciting few weeks ahead for our OSHC service as we commence the second half of Term 2.
National Reconciliation Week begins on Monday, 27 May with some exciting activities planned. Our highlight for this week will be our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flag painting. It will be on display in our main OSHC room on Monday, 27 May.
On Wednesday, 19 June we are hosting a Haileybury Rendall School Handball Championship.
The event will include:
- A Camp Australia branded Handball for each participating player
- A Trophy for our 1st place winner
- Prizes for our top 5 players on the afternoon
Be sure to book your child in on this date for After School Care, and our event will take place between 3.30 and 5.00pm.
Nathan Ratcliffe
Camp Australia