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Save the Date

May Day Public Holiday
Monday, 6 May
Live Parent Webinar: How to Get (and Keep!) Your Child Motivated
Wednesday, 8 May
Do it For Dolly Day
Friday, 10 May
Nightcliff Seabreeze Festival
Friday, 10 - 12 May
Mother's Day
Sunday, 12 May
National Reconciliation Week Activities begin
Monday, 13 May
Cocktail Party
Friday, 17 May
School Tour
Saturday, 18 May
The Great Book Swap
Monday, 3 June
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory the new musical
Friday, 13 - Saturday 14 September
China Study Tour
20 - 29 September
HRS fundraising page
Click the image to view the HRS fundraising page
Want to learn more about NRW?
Click the image to learn more about NRW

HRS Cocktail Party Invitation
Click the image to book your tickets to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory the new musical

Camp Australia @ HRS

Welcome back to Term 2 from Camp Australia.

The Rocketeers program over the Easter holidays was loads of fun, with some incredible feedback from parents. This was highlighted with our excursion on Friday, 12 April to Leanyer Recreation Park where the children engaged in the water park play area, the water slides, the tremendous playground, and not to mention the jumping castles that were set up for the day!

The beginning of term saw Before and After School Care support two very worthy causes. In celebration of Earth Day, the children made necklaces, and poppy flowers to support ANZAC Day 2024.

Choosing our themes each week, and the activities we do, is very important in linking these to the event/s happening within the community that we live. This aspect of our program sees the children relate to maters around us and gain a better understanding of the importance of these practices and doings.

Photo of Evie Reeves & Margot Vellar

Nathan Ratcliffe
Camp Australia

How to Get (and Keep!) Your Child Motivated - Webinar by Elevate

Elevate works with students, delivering high-impact workshops on study skills, motivation, wellbeing, and exam preparation. By tuning into their webinar series, you’ll learn how you can help support your child at home by reinforcing the skills they’re learning at school.

Their upcoming webinar on motivation will give you some easy-to-implement strategies to help your child stay motivated as we approach the mid-point of the school year.

Here’s what Elevate will be covering on the night:

  • Using praise and reassurance to motivate your child
  • Setting relevant and effective goals for your child
  • Helping your child to stay motivated long-term

What: How to Get (and Keep!) Your Child Motivated
When: Wednesday 8th May 6:30-7:30pm (AEST)
How: Click here to register for free