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Junior School news

Welcome back to Term 4

As we race towards the end of the year, there are many exciting activities and events planned. We encourage all students to continue giving their best effort in all areas of school life and finish the term strong. Let's make it a fantastic and memorable end to the year!

Swimming lessons have begun, and the students are thoroughly enjoying their time in the pool. Please remember to pack some extra food for your child during their swimming week, as they tend to get hungrier after the additional physical activity.

As we move into the wet season it is worth noting arrangements for collection in the event of wet weather at the end of the school day.

  • Year 5 and 6 students are to remain under cover until collected.
  • All Transition to Year 4 students will be escorted to the sheltered area immediately outside the Junior School reception.
  • Parents are welcome to collect their child directly from this area.
  • Parents wishing to remain in their vehicles are welcome to do so during this time. Vehicles in the “drop off” lane will wait in line as they drive to the main Junior School gates. Students will exit these gates when it is safe to do so.

Please help us to keep your child(ren) safe by either dropping them off at or after 8:05 am, when school staff are on yard duty, or by utilising the Before School Care service offered by Camp Australia.

Lisa Doyle
Head of Junior School