We’ve had a fantastic start to the term, with students settling in wonderfully and adjusting to their routines. It’s been a busy and exciting few weeks, with many events already taking place!
One of the highlights of the term was our Student Leaders Assembly, a great opportunity for students to step into leadership roles and set the tone for the year ahead. We also kicked off our House Activities last Friday. These activities allowed students to get to know each other better and begin building their House spirit for the year. It was a wonderful way to create connections and start the year with enthusiasm and teamwork!
A very special highlight was our Meet and Greet event, where we welcomed many parents to spend the afternoon with us. It was heartwarming to see such a great turnout and to connect with our school community right at the start of the term.
As we continue to settle into the term, we kindly ask that you check your child’s uniform to ensure it is correct and in line with the school guidelines. Additionally, please remember that students can arrive at school from 8:00 AM and the classroom doors will be opened when the music starts to play. Punctuality is essential, as arriving on time allows students to set up for the day, be prepared, and not miss any valuable learning time. If your child arrives before 8:00 AM, we have before-school care facilities available for them to access.
Thank you for your ongoing support, and we look forward to a successful and rewarding term ahead!
Student recognition
Last year Scarlett (Year 7) was nominated and was successfully selected as the winning recipient of the prestigious Administrator’s Medal award. Scarlett received this award at a ceremony at Parliament House on 31 January. Well done, Scarlett, we are very proud of you!
Lisa Doyle
Head of Junior School
Belated congratulations to our Reading Challenge readers!
This week we received certificates for students who participated in the 2024 NT Chief Minister's Reading Challenge. The change of government last year interrupted the process, but the new Chief Minister has now signed the whopping 9,684 certificates of all the students who participated across the Territory. The HRS contribution was 44 students from Years 3 – 6, a wonderful effort.
To receive a certificate the students must read a minimum of 12 books in 3 months. Evidence shows that experiencing success in reading, leads to increased motivation to attempt even more difficult reading tasks. This contributes to higher achievement across all curriculum subjects. The Challenge encourages regular reading to build reading stamina and fluency - vital elements in reading success.
Congratulations to all those students who rose to the challenge. Let’s see if we can get even more readers on board this year!
Kym Diprose
Head of Library Services
Safer Internet Day in the Junior School
On February 11, the Junior School celebrated Safer Internet Day, with activities continuing throughout the week to support students in developing essential online safety skills. Whether receiving their iPads for the first time or refreshing their knowledge, all students engaged in meaningful discussions and activities.
Our youngest students in Transition and Year 1 coloured in posters reinforcing the key message: Stop, Close, and Tell a Trusted Adult if they see something unsafe online. Year 1 and 2 explored why Safer Internet Day is important and sorted actions into safe and unsafe iPad use.
In Years 2 and 3, students took learning a step further by acting out online safety scenarios, and demonstrating how to respond to potential risks. Some Year 3 students created visuals using the Freeform app to represent safe online behaviours.
Years 4 and 5 engaged in a detailed brainstorm, discussing the importance of Safer Internet Day and key strategies for staying safe in an increasingly digital world.
These activities provided valuable learning opportunities, equipping students with the knowledge and confidence to navigate the online space safely and responsibly.
Marion Hoy
Computer Science Teacher