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Clontarf news

Kicking goals

Our Middle School boys finished Term 2 with a nail-biting win against Nightcliff Middle School in the Darwin Middle School Football Competition. The boys’ participation in the competition was a highlight of the term and year. In Term 3 it is our Seniors who have the opportunity to take on other schools across Darwin. Can our Seniors emulate the Middle School lads and bring home the Cup? Only time will tell.

This Term we welcome Patrick Bowden into the Academy as our new Academy Director. Paddy has previously worked at the Clontarf Foundation and will be a great addition to the team. Our previous Academy Director, Duane Von Senden, will take his knowledge across to Casuarina Senior College. We thank him for all he has done for the Academy.

Term 3 looks to be a busy one at HRS. We have Senior School Football on Mondays and Middle School Clontarf Football on Wednesdays. Tuesday morning is a fitness session before School, and we bookend each week with the famous Friday Footy before school. In Week 1 we welcomed HRS students and teachers, as well as the Casuarina Secondary College students and had over 50 on the training track. An awesome effort by all involved.

The Year 10s will be doing work experience in Week 3. We have students working in hospitality, retail, construction, and student support for the week. Good luck to these guys as they get their first taste of the working world.

Amongst all this we have three massive camps set for the term, travelling as far south as Tennant Creek and as far north as the Tiwi Islands. We look forward to celebrating NAIDOC week in Week 4 and fitting in heaps of other health and education sessions with our boys as we work towards the ultimate goal – graduating Year 12.

Let’s make this a great term!

Ben Dunn
Clontarf Academy