Shaved heads and brightly coloured hair helped Haileybury Rendall School students and staff raise a record $15,000 for The World’s Greatest Shave.
Last week we held our much-anticipated fundraising event for the Leukaemia Foundation. The School Community embraced the day with free dress and many fabulous versions of the theme: ‘A Touch of Sparkle’.

Fifteen students from Years 3 (Junior school) to Year 12 (Senior school) and one staff member had their heads shaved during a day of activities. One Year 12 student donated most of her hair to help make a wig for someone who needs it, while others raised money by having their hair coloured.
Year 12 student leaders and Ms Lisa Cadd, the School’s World’s Greatest Shave Coordinator, did a wonderful job organising the day, which also included nonpermanent tattoos and a barbeque.
Our Junior School student leaders also got involved and enjoyed the responsibility of coordinating some of the activities on the day and are to be commended for their efforts.
Dollars and Sense Store in Palmerston, Costless Hair and Beauty and Priceline Casuarina all kindly donated coloured hairspray for the event. The Clontarf Academy organised the barbeque and served students with help from senior staff.
Principal Mr Craig Glass says the whole School watched the shaving at lunchtime. “This has become one of the School’s favourite days of the year,” Mr Glass says.
“We thank the students and staff who made it such a great event for such a worthy cause.”
It was fantastic to see so many colourful outfits on the day and to have our School Community band together for this worthiest of causes.
The work behind the scenes to ensure the success of the event is enormous and I thank Lisa Cadd and the Student Leaders for their efforts. Congratulations to everyone who raised or donated money – what an amazing achievement for a worthwhile cause.